Last weekend the International Printing Museum held its annual fair for all us paper nerds.
Add to that: Print nerds, design nerds, metaltype nerds, coffee nerds, book nerds, typewriter nerds ... I fall into several of these categories.
I was busy - wrote about 10 custom poems on Saturday with another dozen on Sunday. Yet in the middle I also found time for a demo of my next ship drawing: Next Generation Enterprise. I sold the demo already but I'll have a new one up in the shop soon.
Made some new friends like Rachelle Chuang, Rachel Hillburg with her Tiny Telegrams, Amy Wagner at Stuart Ng books, Abel Alejandre who is a great dude and had to put up with our nonsense all weekend, and Marina Joyce who is an all-around awesome human and also had to put up with our shenanigans.
Some of the poems I wrote are up on the Poems page now.
Tune in next time when I announce the new ship prints for sale, if some bigger news doesn't break first. Big things are afoot ... and that is not a thinly veiled sasquatch reference. Although someone did ask why Chewie isn't included in the Millennium Falcon drawing. I said he only has one quote and I'll type it here: RRRRRAAAAWWWOOORRRRRWHUUUGGGHHHH.
LAST MINUTE PRODUCT NEWS: Originals of some of my ship drawings are now available in the shop. They even come framed! The Enterprise can be seen below - the Millennium Falcon comes in the same frame and matte style.
